Tuesday, October 31, 2006

to all of you out there

hmm where shall i begin?
fine i'll just blabber off what comes to my mind. firstly, to those out there who know who you are. if you don't know the reasons why, would you please just stop assuming and telling everybody as though you know. it's okay that you're already blur, just don't act like you know when you don't know shit.
what is a church? as many would say, the PEOPLE. YOU GOT YOUR ANSWER! why commit to a bunch of people who will benefit me nothing? a few are CLASSIC, a handful are GENUINE, a lot are FAKE, most are DELUDED. by now, many of you would think that i'm saying all this cuz "kevin's already warped". "kevin's gone astray". "this is what a BACKSLIDER would say" "kevin's full of pride" hey look, WHATEVER. sorry to those of you who think so. i apologize because you are PERFECT, you are ALL-LOVING, you are RIGHTEOUS and GODLY, you are a LEADER and people add a "sister" or "brother" in front of your name. you know what? MOST ARE DELUDED.
If you are living what you preach, amen to you. if you REALLY have a purpose in what you're doing, truly love what you do and love the people (not because you'll get interrogated if you don't do it), living a happy life, managing every aspect of your life well, AMEN TO YOU. if you're not, maybe you wanna take a step back and THINK THINGS THROUGH before opening that big gap of yours. AND PLEASE STOP LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE. NO POINT IN IT.i honestly don't blame some because that's what their minds have been taught to think. you are taught to place CHURCH as the core of your life and everything around it is secondary. hey wait....shouldn't your LIFE be in the centre? oh of course you'll tell me - "no! we don't put church in the centre, we put God" oh please..... what's the DIFFERENCE? monday- offday. tuesday- leaders meeting. wednesday- bible study. - thursday-give bible study/meet members. friday- cellgroup. saturday- service. sunday - prayer meeting or meet members. ISN'T THIS CHURCH? ohhh wait...you're gonna say "this is your choice. no one forced you to do it. this is responsibility you want to take up." hmmmm. what IF you don't attend a prayer meeting? - "oh that member is not committed. oh that member is weak. oh that member is not potential" SOUNDS FAMILIAR? at the end of the day, CHURCH = GOD. GOD = CHURCH. try this test. - take a step back from where you are (and by this i mean i don't give a damn even if you lead a subzone). ARE YOU DOING WELL IN ALL THE OTHER AREAS? you guys are great at saying this member is NDW, that member is UNCOMMITTED. heyhey. what bout YOU? how's your studies? how's your work? how's your family? how's your finances? how's your relationships with friends/colleagues? how's YOU- the real YOU. having enough time for yourself and for your own leisure? if you can say "GREAT" or "DOING FINE" for all of the above, you are truly what you preach. if you are not, then please think twice before you wanna start thinking you're better off than those who "do not have God"
another thing i wanna add to you bootlickers out there (e worst thing is if you don't know that you're one). the world calls you a bootlicker or someone who "por" when you are over-zealous at trying to please your superior(s) to gain promotion. they call you that when you are over-initiative. the church calls you an "armourbearer" when you over-initiate or when you stand up for your leaders. they say that you truly have a love and heart for your leaders when you are over-zealous to help, serve, do favours, organize events, preach etc. HEY LET'S DO A SIMPLE COMPARISON. aren't they the exact same things? SAME DIFFERENCE. i won't name names, but bootlickers, please wake up your idea. ohh sorry. i forgot you might not even know you're one yourself because you are DELUDED.
all i can say is that life is so much better without that bunch of people and that unnecessary pressure and commitments. and if you think i'm warped and that you're better off, please truly ACCESS your life if you haven't done so before. apart from MINISTRY and your undying commitment to EVERYTHING the church leaders say, WHO ARE YOU TO THE WORLD? don't forget you live in one. without friends, you are one lonely soul outside of church. without money, who gives a shit who you are in church? without time for relationships, you wanna end up 35 and unmarried? without fun and leisure, WHAT'S YOUR LIFE ABOUT? OF COURSE YOU'D SAY THAT YOUR LIFE IS GOD AND CHURCH AND THAT'S WHERE FUN IS. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
ohhhh please please please please please don't just listen to your LEADERS without thinking. don't forget they're human and humans can be fucked up. so please don't pass any judgements about people and don't just WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe those you bootlick. if you don't know anything, just shut up. if you talk though you don't know shit, you are nothing more than an average joe in the world who gossips.
OH TALKING ABOUT GOSSIPS. in the world, it's called GOSSIP. in the church, it's called, TEACHING YOUR MEMBERS, EDUCATING,BEING WISE ABOUT WHO YOU CHOOSE TO WORK ON. GIVE ME A BREAK PLEASE. what happens with a cell leader and his/her helper in the car or when they're alone? they talk about members? SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME THAT IS NOT GOSSIP. oh shit, why am i so agitated. i shouldn't give a damn about these people. they are the ones DOING WELL, HAPPY, LEADING A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE, DOING GOD'S WILL, LOVING PEOPLE, GETTING BLESSED. i shall just keep my mouth shut eh? ok it stops here. if you hate kevin for this, believe me, i'm grateful. 1. you can't hate people so that proves my point. HA. 2. at least you'll stop showing false concerns because i don't expect you to and i don't want you to. you don't even have time for your life, please don't bother trying to ask how colin is. HAHA. PATHETIC. and for heaven's sake and for the last time i'm gonna emphasize this, please SHUT THE FUCK UP if you don't know anything. thank you

Posted by kevin. at 11:52 am