Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Failures Focus On The Pain Of Their Present While Winners Focus On The Dream Of Their Future.2 Corinthians 4:18 (NKJV)“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” We’ve got to stop panicking! We either believe the promises of God…or we don’t! Being full of care, anxiety, and fear indicates that we are not convinced that what God said is true. How do we become convinced? Romans 10:17 says, “…faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”To find a place of peace and overcome the worries in life, we must realize that everything will work according to what we believe on the inside. Unless we are meditating on God’s Word, the outcome won’t be pretty. Prayer will not override our lack of meditation on God’s Word. We must inject God’s Word into our spirits before we can walk in the peace that passes all understanding.
Posted by kevin. at 5:51 pm
Saturday, March 04, 2006
never meant to be
Took a stroll around the neighbourhood before settling down at the playground to pluck some tunes. Anything can change your mood at any given time. Your mood is determined by what your focus. Simple but true. Notice that when your mood is down, it's most often because your focus is on the negative. It's really so amazing how your mood can change without much effort. Something small just happens. Words you don't wanna hear are spoken. Things go wrong. You're not careful. You're not realizing and before you know it, you've let that little "thing" change your entire being and day. No wonder the Bible says "Guard your HEART with all diligence for out of it springs the issues of life". It's really no wonder that the Word also says that "as a man THINKS, so is he". No wonder. Life was never meant to be easy, which is what really makes it fun. A great sense of satisfaction when you look back on the valley you've just walked through and standing there in the light you go, "phew, Thank you LORD for seeing me through". Awesome. Simply awesome. Live on hope. Believe and it will happen. Okay pardon me if you think my words are jumbled all over the place, it's 330am and i'm pretty sure i'm already half asleep. Hope is in Him, choose wisely. =)
Posted by kevin. at 3:14 am
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Things Of God
1st of March. It was like just moments ago when we were counting down to the new year and making our resolutions when now, we're already a sixth into it. well well, things have been going pretty well, life has moved on, faith has been ignited, hope clinged on and greater things are coming!What should be one's core focus as a believer?To please heaven. The Bible stated "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Here's e NLT version -->"and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.". Let's look into the part which says "make the Kingdom of God your PRIMARY CONCERN". We've heard this many times before and somehow, subconciously, we tend to think that we ARE actually putting the things of God first in our lives. Okay, let's try this. Try to recall what you've been praying for in the last week. Did you start off by praying for your desires? Or maybe for the upcoming exams? Or maybe for God to move in certain areas of your life or for Him to make some supernatural changes in your life? Now, these things are NOT wrong. The Bible did state that as we delight ourselves in the LORD, He will grant us the desires of our hearts. But let's come back to the point - Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God. The priority of our prayers shouldn't be focused on ourselves and the things we want but instead, be focused on the things of God and on what Christ has done when He shed His blood, took the stripes and willingly hung on the cross. What would please God is when a person puts aside what matters to him and redirects his focus on what matters to God. It doesn't matter if we're not at our best, if we still have weaknesses to fight, if we still have areas to change, or even if we feel we're not ready. We're not to wait for the right or perfect time. Ecclesiastes 11: 4 says it like this : "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done."
The truth is that as long as you place the Kingdom of God as your PRIMARY CONCERN, everything you will ever need in your life will be given to you. So take the smart choice. You want everything to work well and live a good life worthy of His call? Simple - Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God!
Posted by kevin. at 10:32 am
Worth the try